Friday, May 15, 2020

Genetic Engineering The Science Of Replacing Natural Essay

Genetic Engineering: The Science of Replacing Natural Selection and Evolution Consider the implications of the following: tomatoes are sensitive to frost, which shortens their growing seasons. Fish, in contrast, survive in very cold water. Scientists have found the specific gene that enables fish to resist cold in a flounder, and used genetic engineering to incorporate it into the genetic material of a tomato. By what moral authority does science have the right to make this transformation? In a life of technological advancement, human beings are faced with many ethical issues regarding the natural world. People have become capable of scientifically manipulating genes to create organisms that nature never intended to exist. Although scientists have the technology at their disposal, it begs the questions: Is it ethical to change living organisms to better satisfy our own needs? Do scientists know enough about the process of genetic engineering and the long-term effects of genetically altering a food supply, to determine if it is safe and environmentally sound? Many companies have made large profits on genetically altered produce. Tomatoes are bigger and corn is more golden. Consumers are happier. The government does not require that companies label their genetically engineered products. However, through regulation and knowledge, the government could be a crucial ethical force in controlling the impact of genetic engineering on industry and society. GeneticShow MoreRelatedGenetic Engineering Is The Making Of New Genetic Material Of An Organism From Pre Made Material1119 Words   |  5 PagesPeter Miller Mrs. Knetter IB Biology February 23rd 2016 Genetic engineering is the making of new genetic material of an organism from pre-made material. Generically, it uses ancient practises of selecting a certain organism to breed and hybridize. 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