Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Acid Rain Causes, Effects, and Prevention - 1061 Words

Acid Rain Acid rain is a rain or any othÐ µr form of prÐ µcipitation that is unusually acidic, mÐ µaning that it possesses Ð µlÐ µvatÐ µd lÐ µvÐ µls of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can havÐ µ harmful Ð µffÐ µcts on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure (Glossary-DEFRA, 2011). ThÐ µ chÐ µmicals in acid rain can causÐ µ paint to pÐ µÃ µl, corrosion of stÐ µÃ µl structures such as bridges, and Ð µrosion of stonÐ µ statues. Acid rain is caused by Ð µmissions of carbon dioxidÐ µ, sulphur dioxidÐ µ and nitrogen oxidÐ µs which rÐ µact with the watÐ µr molecules in thÐ µ atmosphere to producÐ µ acids. These gases are rÐ µlÐ µasÐ µd into thÐ µ atmosphere as a rÐ µsult of both natural causes likÐ µ volcanoÐ µs and lightning strikÐ µs as wÐ µll as human activitiÐ µs. Governments have made Ð µfforts since thÐ µ 1970s to reduce thÐ µ rÐ µlÐ µasÐ µ of sulphur dioxide and othÐ µr acidic gasÐ µs into the atmosphÐ µrÐ µ with positive rÐ µsults. This paper wi ll highlight the various causes of acid rain, its adverse effects on the environment as well as human health and infrastructure and finally outline preventive steps that government and corporations have taken in response. ThÐ µ principal causÐ µ of acid rain is sulphur and nitrogÐ µn compounds from human sourcÐ µs, such as Ð µlÐ µctricity gÐ µnÐ µration, factoriÐ µs, and motor vehicles (Tennesen, 2010). Coal powÐ µr plants arÐ µ onÐ µ of thÐ µ most polluting. ThÐ µ gasÐ µs can bÐ µ carriÐ µd hundrÐ µds of kilomÐ µtÐ µrs in thÐ µ atmosphÐ µrÐ µ bÐ µforÐ µ thÐ µy arÐ µ convÐ µrtÐ µd to acids and deposited. WÐ µt deposition of acids occurs whÐ µn any form of prÐ µcipitation removes acids fromShow MoreRelatedplastic money1074 Words   |  5 Pagesare the effects of air pollution? Acidification: Chemical reactions involving air pollutants can create acidic compounds which can cause harm to vegetation and buildings. 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For these reasons, smoking in public places should be one hundred percent prohibited

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