Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Democratic Life Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Democratic Life - Research Paper Example That right mix of establishment is certainly named democracy - a type of government where the ruling party is chosen by the people, for the people from the people. This concept has epitomized the need for human freedom and political involvement of all the citizens of the society. Through this system, all citizens are granted equal rights and privileges and the society starts to run on a self correcting mechanism. Today, the most popular form of democracy is the parliamentarian form of democracy where the public takes part in the elections via voting procedures and chose a representative to rule them. Another form of democracy that is not very popular is the direct democracy where the public directly elects the executive governing members rather than a parliament (Foner, 58). Developed Countries and Democracy Since its inception, the democratic system of governance has proved to be very beneficial for the countries that have adopted it. No wonder all the developed economies are democr acies. The economic social and political success of the west can all be associated to democracy. The social context has changed a lot in the last century. The standard of living of people has been improved and also the vices of the society have also popped up such as slavery, child labor, feudalism, infanticide etc. In such circumstances, it is important that the society get empowered as a whole and the uplifting of each member of the society will result in a much prolific society. This democracy is the best policy. Freedom The success of democracy lies in the opportunity of freedom that it encompasses. Democratic states give an opportunity of freedom to the citizen while the case is totally different in case of autocratic and anarchic states. People in democratic states enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of rights and freedom of expression etc. They have the freedom to choose who rules them by voting. Consequently they have the freedom to decide and choose how they will be ruled- the status quo - the policy of their nation and what the government should chose as policies. Democracy also gives people freedom of expression and speech and they can even criticize their own government. Power Lies in the Hands of People Democracy is often considered to be totally people centric. Its proposition of being for the people and from the people and for the people is a universal phenomenon. As a result the people themselves become the agents of the change when they bring about the change through their own choices. Democracy also becomes more holistic when it encompasses even the most trivial member of the society. It empowers him and makes him equal to the elitist person of the society in terms of the power to vote. Transparency in Democracy Democracy unlike other unconventional forms of government inculcates transparency in the social and legal format. Each and every person of the society becomes accountable for his conduct and also becomes a supervisor who looks after the activities of the other people. Hence we can also say that democracy is a self correcting mechanism and a more authentic one. The checks and balances that occur in the system make a more prolific and accountable society as compared to other forms of government. The autonomy that is given to the state institutions such as media, court and law enforcement agencies is phenomenal and therefore a feeling of empowerment prevails in the society. Respect for Human Rights Democracy is also the most humanitarian

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Youth Justice in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Youth Justice in the UK - Essay Example Between arrest and sentence, it could take anywhere between 70 to 170 days. In spite of the efforts of schools and parents, training and employment, services for tackling drug and alcohol abuse, as part of the developed strategy, youth crime have not fallen much. Crime and Disorder Act 1998, sections 37 to 43 deal with crime, warnings, punishments, rehabilitation and various programmes to improve a lot of youth offenders. In spite of many efforts and Acts, youth justice had not been achieved in the UK. Â  United Nations has taken steps for international youth justice. UN Youth Flash like websites encourages youth online participation. UN General Assembly defined youth as persons between the age group of 15 and 24, both inclusive and according to this definition, UN says that approximately 1 billion youth live in the world today and 85% of them are in developing countries and 60% of them are in Asia alone. UN identifies as priority issues of youth are education, employment, hunger and poverty eradication, health, environment, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, leisure-time activities, girls and young men, the full and effective participation of youth in the life of society and in decision making. UN hopes that Governments of the world take care of these matters. UN believes in empowering youth in development and peace, keeping in mind their aspirations, and that they are the key agents for social change economic development and technological innovation. UN recognizes that it is nece ssary to encourage their imagination, ideas, energy, and vision while noting that they represent society's hope, but have uncertain future. Their intellectual contribution and ability to mobilize support is not overlooked. UN tries to maximize the resources, funding, eradicate inequalities of economic, social and political conditions, ethnic prejudice and unemployment. UN is working against gender discrimination, insecure livelihoods, conflict, exclusion, homelessness, continuous deterioration of the environment, hunger, malnutrition, disease and lack of education and employment opportunities. Â  In 1965, UN has asked the Member States to endorse the Declaration on the Promotion among Youth of the ideals of Peace, mutual respect and understanding between peoples. In 1995 it strengthened its commitment by directing international community to address youth problems like drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, and social development under Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which also cover rights of health, education, and employment along with disability support. Global Youth Conferences insist on 'empowering youth for action' and that youth issues should be tackled from local, national, regional and international levels. Youth should be treated as a challenge and a resource and should be allowed for economic, social, cultural and political participation. UN reiterates working for and with Youth while laying stress on inter-cultural, inter-regional and international interactions to promote World Youth Forum of the United Nations System. Â